Changes in prices | 03 May 2007 г. | 17:28

The last LME tender showed tendency of changes in prices

The last LME tender showed tendency of changes in prices

The past tenders LME last week showed the tendency of changes in the prices for some metals not only to growth, but also to fall.

Thus, the aluminum which cost on February, 26th $2,92 thou for 1 tn (сash seller & settlement), during the next five stock days fell in price to $2,76 thou (-5,68 %).

Then lead and copper followed: in the beginning of week the price for "accumulator metals" was $2,00 thou, while in the end it fell to $1,91 thou (-4,55 %). The price for copper fell from $6,25 thou to $6,06 thousand (–3,12%).

However, zinc became an absolute leader in the process of price folling, quoted on February 26 at the level $3,62 thou, and on March 2 - about $3,37 thou (–7,04%).

And only nickel slightly grew up - from $44,11 thou up to $44,31 thou (+0,45%).

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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