OMZ | 03 June 2007 г. | 10:09

The Company OMZ Natural Gas Projects (Izhorskie Plants), incorporated in the United Machine Building Plants (OMZ), has won the tender

The Company OMZ Natural Gas Projects (Izhorskie Plants), incorporated in the United Machine Building Plants (OMZ), has won the tender

The Company OMZ Natural Gas Projects (Izhorskie Plants), incorporated in the United Machine Building Plants (OMZ), has won the tender for the delivery of two reactors of the hydraulic cleaning of vacuum gas oil with the weight of 240 t each for Ufa NPZ, JSC. The cost of the equipment is estimated at more than 160 mln. rubles. The equipment will be manufactured in 2007.
Hydraulic cleaning is applied for the removal of organic sulphides as well as nitrous and oxygen compounds from hydrocarbon raw material. Due to the hydraulic cleaning the quality of petroleum products increases, the corrosion of equipment is reduced and the pollution of the atmosphere decreases.
OMZ Natural Gas Projects (Izhorskie Plants) specializes in the production of capacitive equipment and technological plants for the natural gas industry. Its main types of activity includes: engineering, production, full set supplies and maintenance of equipment for enterprises of the natural gas complex.

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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