MMK leads in production capacity among Russian metallurgical plants.

The Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works has summed up its production capacity in February and in the first 2 months of 2007. In February 2007 MMK produced 138,7 thou tons of finished ore, 787,1 thou tons of agglomerate, 401,3 thou tons of coke, and 708,2 thou tons of pig iron.
In February 2007 MMK produced 959,8 thou tons of steel. Last month the enterprise produced 924,4 thou tons of rolled products and 876,3 thou tons or marketable products. On the first 2 months of 2007 MMK output 293,9 thou tons of marketable ore (121,9% as compared to the corresponding period of the last year), 1674,7 thou tons of agglomerate (95,5%), 2081,7 thou tons of steel (111,1%), 2010,8 tons of rolled products (109,9%).
In January and February 2007 the output of marketable product amounted to 1922,2 thou tons (112,7% as compared to 2006).
The MMK leads in the major indices among Russian and CIS metallurgical plants. It’s necessary to note a steady decrease of the exports share in the supplies structure of the enterprise.
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