OMZ and Rosneft Sign Contract for Four Spherical Gas Holders Supply

OMZ Oil and Gas Projects (Izhora), part of OMZ (Uralmash-Izhora Group) has signed a contract with Rosneft Oil Company for the manufacture, delivery and "ready-to-operate" assembly of four spherical gas holders with 600 cubic meters capacity for the Tuapsinsky Oil Refinery (Krasnodar region).
The contract, worth over RUR 50 million, will be completed in the third quarter of 2007.
The gas holders are designed for the storage of long distillate of light hydrocarbons (LDLH).
In 2006 OMZ supplied similar equipment to Surgutneftegaz (Surgut, Tyumen region) and Kazanorgsintez (Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan).
OMZ Oil and Gas Projects (Izhora) specializes in the production of tank-type equipment and processing stations for the oil and gas industry. Areas of business include engineering, manufacturing, supply and maintenance of equipment for oil and gas plants.
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