RUSAL will give credit for USD 500 mln

The deal is a rare example of a classic project finance scheme in
The loan rate depends on the pay-back term and equals LIBOR +1.2% within the first three years. BNP Paribas is the loan organiser and bookrunner. The following banks joined the transaction in the syndication phase — Calyon, BLB, HSBC, Mizuho, Natixis, Sberbank of Russia, SG and SMBC.
As part of the process to organise the loan, BNP Paribas engaged independent consultants, who have confirmed that the project meets the Equator Principles. This shows that the project fulfils the requirements of national and international law in the field of environment, health and safety. As of today, 45 of the largest international commercial banks have signed up to the Equator Principles used to evaluate projects applying for project financing of more than USD 50 mln.
Equator Principles — a financial industry benchmark for determining, assessing and managing social & environmental risk in project financing.
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