Metallurgical Plant Named after A.K. Serov | 04 March 2007 г. | 12:26

Metallurgical Plant Named after A.K. Serov increased producing of sized steel on 24.1%

Metallurgical Plant Named after A.K. Serov increased producing of sized steel  on 24.1%
In January - February 2007 Metallurgical Plant Named after A.K. Serov produced 15.2 thousand tons of sized steel, which is 24.1% more as compared to the same period of last year. Over the two months of 2007 the enterprise produced 80.6 thousand tons of finished rolled products (+15.8% as compared to January - February 2006), steel - 120.2 thousand tons (+14.3%), cast iron - 58.3 thousand tons (same as last year).

Favorable situation in the ferrous metals market caused increase in the demand for the plant’s products and the increase in the basic production indices.


Source: Metal Supply and Sales
View count: 156

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