ChTPZ | 18 July 2007 г. | 15:12

ChTPZ Group Ferrous Division Ships 971,000 Tons of Product to Customers for the first six month of 2007

ChTPZ Group Ferrous Division Ships 971,000 Tons of Product to Customers for the first six month of 2007
Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant and Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, both in the ChTPZ Group, shipped 971,000 tons of pipe products to customers for the first six months of 2007. This is 28% more than for the same period of 2006 (761,300 tons).
In January-June 2007, ChTPZ sold 539,000 tons of pipes. For this period sales rose 30% (against 414,300 tons for the same period of 2006). The company shipped 302,600 tons of large-diameter pipes. This is 39% more than for January-June 2006 (217,100 tons).
In June 2007, Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant shipped 85,700 tons of pipe products to customers. This is 16% more than in June 2006 (74,000 tons). For this period the plant shipped 46,400 tons of large-diameter pipes. This is 42% more than for June 2006 (32,700 tons).
In June 2007 PNTZ shipped 71,500 tons of products to customers. This is 0.4% more than in June 2006 (71,200 tons). In January-June 2007 the plant shipped 432,000 tons of product or 24% more than for the first six months of 2006 (347,000 tons).

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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