MMK | 24 July 2007 г. | 10:39

MMK Reconstructs the Biggest Mill

MMK Reconstructs the Biggest Mill
Reconstruction of hot rolling mill 2000 at sheet rolling plant # 10 continues at Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK). The mill put in operation in 1994 is still the most productive at MMK; last year more than 5.5 mln tons of hot rolled sheets were produced at the mill. Today the mill is reconstructed to increase its capacity up to 6 million tons. The reconstruction includes: building of the 4th reheating furnace and modernization of mechanical parts and automatic control system of the mill.

Building of a new reheating furnace will help to increase output at casthouse -10. According to the agreement the equipment for the furnace will be supplied by Stein Heurtey. The production capacity of the furnace will equal up to 400 tons of slabs per hour. The engineering of the whole infrastructure of casthouse-10 presupposes laying foundations and making breechings while the 4 reheating furnaces are running. So the gradually supplied equipment is set up on the foundations while the production process is running. The reheating furnace # 4 is planned to put into operation in the II quarter of 2008.

Another important stage of reconstruction of hot rolling mill 2000 is modernization of automatic control system. A double level control system is used at mill 2000. The basic level equipment where all the algorithms of mechanisms control are located is manufactured by Siemens. Mathematical models of the second level are engineered by Agika. Modernization of automatic control system of mill 2000 is carried out while the production process is running. Reconstruction of coilers section of automatic control system is almost completed and new controllers have already been set up. Modernization of the automatic control system at the finishing stands section is carried out. The intermediate roller table, roller table shears, water-jet system and slide beams of the 7th stand have been adjusted to a new control system. In the beginning of September after the 4 day mill repairing has been completed, reconstruction of the automatic control system at the finishing stands section is planned to complete which includes changing of desks and cases.

Modernization of mechanical equipment of the mill with the main purpose to extend the range of products is carried out. Specialists have already modernized the 7 gear stand. Soon the 8 gear stand will be modernized as well. Coilers # 4 and 5 are planned to change for the hydraulic ones. Coiler mechanical equipment by Novokramatorsk Works, Ukraine is being dispatched to the works and in the beginning of September the 4th coiler will be changed. At the same time building of a new hydraulic pump house will be completed. The water jet system is also planned to change. Due to changing of the mechanical equipment a new range of products with a bigger thickness will be able to manufacture at the mill – today a sheet with thickness of up to 16 mm can be manufactured at the mill whereas in the future the mill will manufacture rolled products with thickness of up to 18.7-18.9 mm.

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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