Asbestos Magnesium Plant | 24 July 2007 г. | 12:11

The Government of the Sverdlovsk Region Intends to Speed up Starting up of Asbestos Magnesium Plant

The Government of the Sverdlovsk Region Intends to Speed up Starting up of Asbestos Magnesium Plant
The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Science of the Sverdlovsk region says the new complex of Asbestos Magnesium Plant will require 256 mln cubic meters of gas a year to meet technological and household demands at the first stage whereas after reaching its production capacity the plant will require more than 700 mln cubic meters of gas. According to the project the starting up of the plant will be accomplished in 2 stages: the first complex will produce 23 thou tons of magnesium a year as well as 30 thou tons of deposited silica used in production of car tires.

Today the business plan has been completed and basis for investments has been made. The project on building of the first complex has been worked out and all the necessary agreements with inspection and governmental bodies have been made as regards to buying of 75 hectares of land. Production capacity of Asbestos Magnesium Plant will equal to 70 thou tons of magnesium and alloys a year, 90 thou of silica products a year, associated products - iron and nickel concentrate and sodium sulfate.

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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