ChTPZ | 20 September 2007 г. | 13:45

ChTPZ Group Ferrous Division Ships 1,309,000 Tn of Product to Customers in January-August 2007

ChTPZ Group Ferrous Division Ships 1,309,000 Tn of Product to Customers in January-August 2007

Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant and Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, both in the ChTPZ Group, shipped 1,309,000 tn of pipe products to customers for the period from January to August of 2007, an increase of 18% as compared to the same period of 2006 (1,111 thousand tn).

In January-August of 2007, ChTPZ sold 717,500 tn of pipes, 17% more than for the same period of 2006 (611,900 tn). The company shipped 401,300 tn of large-diameter pipes, 26% more than for January-August 2006 (317,300 tn).

In August 2007, Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant shipped 85,500 tn of pipe products to customers, a decrease of 20% as compared to August 2006 (106,500 tn). For this period the plant shipped 45,300 tn of large-diameter pipes, 15% less than for the same month a year ago (53,600 tn).

In August 2007 PNTZ shipped 85,400 tn of pipe products to customers, an increase of 8% as compared to August 2006 (78,800 tn). In January-August 2007 the plant shipped 591,500 tn of products, 19% more than for the same period of 2006 (499 thousand tn).

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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