Electrozinc | 27 December 2007 г. | 13:52

In January-November 2007 Elektrozinc Increased Marketable Zinc Output

In January-November 2007 Elektrozinc Increased Marketable Zinc Output
In January-November 2007 Electrozinc, Vladikavkaz produced 82 236 tons of marketable zinc (102.4% more compared with the same period of 2006), marketable lead – 33 751 tons (100%), sulfuric acid – 153 688 tons (102.9%), cadmium – 236 tons (114%).

Besides, in the 11 months zinc output plan was exceeded by 3.1%, lead – by 1.4%, cadmium – by 7.8%.

Over the 11 months of 2007 Sadonsk Mining and Dressing Plant, Electrozinc produced 28 thou tons of ore (112.1% more compared with the same period of 2006). In the same period of 2007 Besides Sadonsk produced 404 tons of lead concentrate and 610 tons of zinc concentrate.

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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