OMZ | 24 December 2008 г. | 10:42

OMZ’s Izhorskiye Zavody to Supply Reactor Equipment for Belene Nuclear Plant in Bulgaria

OMZ’s Izhorskiye Zavody to Supply Reactor Equipment for Belene Nuclear Plant in Bulgaria

OMZ OJSC (Uralmash-Izhora Group) announced today that Izhorskiye Zavody, a part of OMZ Group, has concluded an agreement with Atomenergoprom OJSC to produce and supply reactor equipment for the Belene Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), Bulgaria.

Construction of Belene NPP is the largest cooperation program between Russia and Bulgaria. The program provides for the construction of two power units with Russian VVER-1000 water-cooled reactors with 100 Megawatts capacity.

Izhorskiye Zavody is to supply reactor equipment for the two power units including reactor shells and in-vessel components including pits, reflection shields, protective pipes, reactor closures and upper units. The total weight of the equipment is more than 1,500 tn. The contract value is Eur82 mln. The first reactor vessel is to be manufactured and shipped by December 2011; the second one is to be completed by September 2012.

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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