OMZ | 22 June 2009 г. | 16:49

Conclusion of a contract for completion of unit 3 and 4 at Mochovce NPP

Conclusion of a contract for completion of unit 3 and 4 at Mochovce NPP

SKODA JS a.s., a part of OMZ Group, announced the contract for completion of the nuclear island of Unit 3 and 4 at Mochovce NPP was signed in Bratislava between SKODA JS a.s. and Slovenske elektrarne, a.s. Thereby a two-year period of negotiations and preparations is crowned. SKODA JS is one of the five main contractors for this project.

Out of the four VVER 440-type units originally planned in the Mochovce locality, first two units were put into operation between 1998-1999. For the remaining under-construction and preserved Unit 3 and 4, the crucial part of mechanical supplies was delivered. The plant is a property of Slovenske elektrarne, a.s., whose majority owner became Italian company ENEL in 2006.

For SKODA JS, the supply of key systems for the Mochovce NPP completion project represents a great success that underlines the leading position of the company among Czech suppliers of large investment units. Contraction of this project guarantees development and expansion in the field of nuclear power industry in future years. It will also enable raising up a new generation of specialists, who will subsequently apply their skills and knowledge within the planned construction of new units at Temelin, Bohunice and Dukovany NPP.

Contract value amounts more than CZK 10 bln.

Subject of the supply of SKODA JS a.s.

Technological systems:

  •  Primary circuit
  •  Fuel-handling part
  •  Internal connecting piping
  •  Instrumentation and control system (partially)
  •  Intermediate cooling systems
  •  Servicing workshops

Scope of activities:

  • Detail design elaboration
  • Equipment supply and procurement (own production, purchasing)?
  • Systems installation
  • Commissioning, tests and setting into operation
  • Coordination of subcontractors
Source: Metal Supply and Sales
View count: 113

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