Kirov Nonferrous Metals Processing Plant expands production range

Kirov Nonferrous Metals Processing Plant expands production range
Kirov Nonferrous Metals Processing Plant has increased output during the first eight months 2010 as compared to the corresponding period of last year on the average by 53%, including rolled products – by 38% and extrusion products– by 75%.

Along with growth in output the range of production has been constantly extended. Copper tires, shaped and collector profiles are especially allocated. These products are constantly in demand for they are widely used in manufacture of hydrogenerators, generators of the big and average capacity, traction engines of a rolling stock, transformers, units of transformation of energy, controlers, switches and switches, various gages, electric cars of a direct current, electric cases of management, household electrical engineers etc.

Source: Metal Supply and Sale Magazine
View count: 104

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