EZTM | 13 October 2010 г. | 11:01

EZTM received delegation of NFC company from India

EZTM received delegation of NFC company from India
From September,27 to October,1 EZTM JSC was receiving a delegation of the “Nuclear Fuel Complex” firm (NFC) from India. NFC representatives held an inspection of availability of a new equipment for pilger mill CRTM 55 revamping. Specialists of the Indian company reviewed the technical data of the outfit. NFC team desired to see entire manufacturing facilities keeping in view the future expansion of the firm. EZTM JSC specialists demonstrated production shops and told about improvements introduced in processing technique. In the course of negotiations the acts and the release for shipment of equipment in India were subscribed, installation works and guarantee tests schedule was approved.

Installation of the equipment on the customer's ground is anticipated in November – December, 2010.

Source: Metal Supply & Sales
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