Central laboratory of Tulachermet confirms accreditation under international standards

The central laboratory of chemical-engineering and technical control at Tulachermet JSC has confirmed its accreditation under international standards. During an inspection by a representative of the International Laboratory Accreditation Committee (ILAC) and an expert from the «Analytika» Association of Analytical Centers, the Tulachermet laboratory confirmed its technical competency and independence in conducting research and analytical work in the sphere of quantitative chemical analysis of crude iron, steel, iron nuggets, concentrate, coke and liquid oxygen. The laboratory's high level and its accordance with international standards were noted. The international accreditation certificate is a unique sign of quality and a recognition of technical competency both on the Russian and the global level. In Russia, there are only around 40 laboratories with international accreditation. The certificate grants the right to participate in the export of crude iron, which is crucial for Tulachermet, since it works primarily with foreign consumers.
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