Mining plant starts operation at Ozerny deposit

Authorized representatives of the following state bodies took part in the readiness check and the meeting: Buryatnedra, Rostekhnadzor, Sanepidnadzor, Administration of the Eravninsky District. The event was also attended by the Ozerny GOK project Chief Engineer on behalf of the PiterGorProekt company and representatives of the MekhTrans company.
As a result of the plant examination and documentation check, a consensual positive decision was made regarding the commissioning of Ozerny GOK as a mining plant.
In the near future the corresponding resolution by the Administration of the Eravninsky District of the Republic of Buryatia is to be published.
All the necessary engineering, construction and mining works required for the launch of the mining facility have been completed: the quarry and primary rock storage have been set up, the site road network has been built, the key facilities of the Ozerny GOK have been duly upgraded. Besides, a plan of mining works development for 2011 has been prepared, which will be submitted to Rostekhnadzor for review in December this year, as per the schedule.
The start of operations at the mining plant at the Ozerny deposit ensures timely observance by MBC Corporation of the terms and conditions of subsoil exploitation stated in the license agreement.
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