RUSAL , Norilsk Nickel | 27 October 2010 г. | 12:36

Rusal’s profit grown thanks of Norilsk Nickel

Rusal’s profit grown thanks of Norilsk Nickel
UC Rusal, the world’s largest aluminium producer and owner of a 25% stake in MMC Norilsk Nickel, announced that following the publication of Norilsk Nickel’s 2010 interim IFRS consolidated financial results, the cmpany has reassessed its share in profits of associates. As a result Rusal’s net profit increased by $97 million.

Amendments were made to Rusal’s results, including:
- Rusal’s net profit was $1,365 million in the first half of 2010 (rather than $1,268 million as set out in the Interim Report);
- Net profit margin of 25.7% (rather than 23.8% as set out in the Interim Report);
- Profit before tax totalled $1,551 million (rather than $1,454 million as set out in the Interim Report);
- Share of profits of associates totalled $555 million (rather than $458 million as set out in the Interim Report).

In the Interim Report, UC Rusal estimated its share in profits of Norilsk Nickel for the first six months of 2010 based on publicly available information.

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Source: Metal Supply and Sale Magazine
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