VSMPO-Avisma , titanium , Uralredmet | 25 November 2010 г. | 09:22

VSMPO-Avisma continues to buy shares of Uralredmet

VSMPO-Avisma continues to buy shares of Uralredmet
According to an interview of Michael Voevodin, Director General, VSMPO-Avisma Corporation, to the Novator corporate newspaper, VSMPO-Avisma has 18% of shares of Uralredmet plant now and will get 7% of ones n the near future. Uralredmet is the supplier of ligatures for VSMPO-Avismа.

As he said, VSMPO-Avisma consumes approximately 95% of Uralredmets production though VSMPO-Avisma can do ligatures itself too. However still two years ago economists of VSMPO-Avismа have made calculations and have found out that it is more favourable to buy all necessary quantity of ligatures on Uralredmet. There have been then begun negotiations witht Uralredmet s owner about possibilities of the organization of the quality and processes monitoring system and as a result of VSMPO-Avisma has agreed about acquisition of a blocking share with the right to have a place in board of directors.

Source: Metal Supply and Sale Magazine
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