RUSAL , Norilsk Nickel | 03 April 2011 г. | 17:16

UC Rusal’s statement in connection with favorable Krasnoyarsk Arbitration Court judgment

UC Rusal’s statement in connection with favorable Krasnoyarsk Arbitration Court judgment
Today the Krasnoyarsk Arbitration Court has issued a judgment in favor of UC Rusal by which it compelled Norilsk Nickel to disclose information about its operational activities and certain transactions including the accounting documents for shipments of metal for export and domestically, insurance contracts and all minutes of the Management Board for the period 2009 – 2010.  Rusal based its claim on its lawful interest as a substantial shareholder of Norilsk Nickel in receiving these documents to enable it to review whether the management has been acting in good faith. The review of these documents should help create an objective picture of the actions of the Management. The court denied the objections raised by Norilsk Nickel and some of the documents were turned over to Rusal in the course of the court proceeding. 
Source: Metal Supply and Sale Magazine
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