Mechel announces launch of coking battery #6 at Mechel-Coke

Mechel OAO a leading Russian mining and steel company, announces the launch of the reconstructed coking battery #6 at Mechel Mining OAO’s subsidiary, Mechel-Coke OOO.
The launch will enable the company to step up production of coke and chemical products and ensure production demands are met as well as provide an independent supply for Mechel’s Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant OAO and Southern Urals Nickel Plant OAO.
Due to the reconstruction, the battery nearly tripled its capacity to 470,000 tonnes of coke annually.
The project cost 1.369 billion rubles (48.5 million US dollars*).
The reconstruction involved not only the aggregate itself but also supplementary equipment. An automated workflow control system was implemented. Special attention was paid to environmental protection measures, which include an autonomous system for dustless discharge of coke with dry cleaning, a smokeless furnace loading system and pneumatic seals on ascension-pipe lids. This will enable the plant not only to increase production but also to significantly improve ecological safety.
Launch of the coking battery #6 allows Mechel-Coke to begin reconstruction of the coking battery #5 while increasing production volumes by 5% in 2011 compared to the same period last year.
* According to the Russian Central Bank exchange rate of 28.2237 RUR/$ as of March 28, 2011.
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