Metal-Expo | 28 July 2011 г. | 10:01

Non-ferrous exposition is popular among Metal-Expo visitors

Non-ferrous exposition is popular among Metal-Expo visitors

Non-ferrous exposition being popular among 37.5% of the total number of visitors ranked second in popularity among visitors of Metal-Expo’2010. According to the research provided by RussCom IT Systems an estimated average investment of 1 visitor representing one company which were effecting purchase in the non-ferrous metals segment during 4 months after finishing of Metal-Expo reaches 10M to 15M rubles, while the total estimated investment of all the visitors representing all unique companies which were effecting purchases in the non-ferrous metals segment during 4 months after finishing of Metal-Expo ranges between 15-20M rubles.

We would remind you that such leaders of the Russian non-ferrous industry as VSMPO-Avisma, KUMZ, Stupino Steel Company, UMMC, Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant, Agrisovgaz, Balkhash and Kaluga Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plants, RUSALIT etc. participate in Metal-Expo on the regular basis. The total of more than 700 companies from Europe, Middle East, USA, South-East Asia, Australia (more than 30 countries) will participate in Metal-Expo this year.
Visitors will have an opportunity to buy non-ferrous products, establish new contacts, discuss the latest trends in the market etc. In addition to that a big number of events dedicated to different issues of the non-ferrous industry will be held during the exhibition.

Please find details of the research here

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
View count: 80

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