08 May 2011 г. | 10:37
VSMPO-Avisma Corporation purchased Neftprominvest

VSMPO-Avisma Corporation purchased 100% participatory interest in Neftprominvest registered capital.
NeftprominvestT is owned by Titan Mining Company, LLC having a license for exploitation of Central deposit in Tambov district.
In May Federal Anti-monopoly Agency granted VSMPO-Avisma Corporation’s application for purchasing 100% participatory interest in the registered capital of Neftprominvest as well as rights allowing to define terms for business activity of Titan Mining Company, LLC (GPK Titan).
For reference: Neftprominvest, LLC is involved in fuel wholesale. Main activity of GPK Titan Tambov) is exploration, and geophysical & geochemical studies of subsurface resoureses.
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