Russian Chapel – symbol of tolerance and friendship

A traditional ceremony at the Russian Chapel under the Vrsic pass was carried out, in a spirit of respectful friendship and cooperative enthusiasm between Slovenia and Russia. Several politicians and business people attended the event, including the Russian co-owners and the President of the Board of Directors of the Slovenian Steel Group (SIJ – Slovenska industrija jekla). Both honourable speakers – the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Danilo Turk, and the leader of the Russian Duma, Boris Grizlov – emphasised the ever closer cooperation of the two countries at various levels. Recollecting the recent violent and hostile events in Norway, the President of Slovenia also rejected all forms of intolerance and violence, and appealed for respect of human rights and support for cooperation. Tatjana Komarova from the Slovenia-Russia Association pointed out that Slovenians were capable of exceeding hatred towards their opponents and expressing human dignity in caring for the graves and the Russian Chapel. In the box: Human suffering was the reason for building the Russian Chapel 95 years ago, in March 1916, in memory of the 300 Russian prisoners of war who died in an avalanche from the mountain Mojstrovka while they were building the road. The surviving prisoners of war built the Russian Chapel in 1917, with two towers of wood and bark, in memory of their fellow soldiers. Since 1992 a traditional commemorative ceremony has been held, which reinstates the Chapel as a symbol of friendship and cooperation between the two countries.
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