VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation sign Memorandum of Cooperation

VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation was visited by the Indian delegation of the representatives of the Indo Russian Science and Technology Centre (IRSTC), the Indian Government’s Department of Science & Technology, a public sector enterprise Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI) specializing in manufacture of special alloys, and the Science Counsellor attached to the Indian Embassy in the RF.
The representatives of the Indian scientific and industrial companies had a chance to see the development milestones of titanium producer, visited forging machining facility, press-forging facility (Shop 21) and tube welding facility.
A separate topic on the visit agenda was negotiations with Mikhail Voevodin, CEO of VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation. Vladislav Tetyukhin, Adviser to CEO, Science and Technology and Sergey Lednov, Director, Business Development also participated in the negotiations.
Mikhail Voevodin, CEO of VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation expressed hope that the Indian specialists had a chance to see the vast capabilities of VSMPO during the shop tour and reminded that VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation had earlier been involved in prolonged discussions with India on cooperation, which he believes might provide good opportunities for both sides.
Dr. G. Sundararajan, Chairman and Director, Indo Russian Science and Technology Centre explained that the Center with units in Moscow and Delhi was specially established to facilitate two-way transfer of technologies available in Russia and India for commercial exploitation in the other country.
Negotiations resulted in signing of the Memo of the Russian and Indian Cooperation between VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation and the Indo Russian Science and Technology Centre (IRSTC).
The Memorandum was signed by Mikhail Voevodin, CEO, VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation, Vladislav Tetyukhin, Adviser to CEO, Science and Technology and Sergey Lednov, Director, Business Development.
The Indian signatories included Dr. G. Sundararajan, Chairman and Director, IRSTC – Delhi Unit, Sergey Y. Sukonkin, General Director, IRSTC – Moscow Unit and Dr. Shrikant V. Joshi, Executive Director, IRSTC – Delhi Unit.
Cooperation was defined as implementation of several joint projects which will facilitate promotion of high-value titanium products in promising fields of the global market.
Mikhail Voevodin, CEO, VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation:
“Today we discussed directions of our potential cooperation both at the Corporation level and at the government level rather than actual establishment of a joint venture.
The highlighted directions of potential cooperation will include aviation, automotive industry, power engineering, etc. We’ll see the resultant joint efforts in the nearest future”.
Digbijoy Giri, Deputy General Manager, Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI):
“VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation is the world’s largest producer of titanium alloys. If we join our efforts we might become the gigantic manufacturer of titanium products. It’s very beneficial to use existing mature technologies, it helps to save time in the process chain. The Corporation’s experience in titanium and other industries might be very useful for the Indo Russian joint venture”.
Dr. G. Sundararajan, Chairman and Director, Indo Russian Science and Technology Centre (IRSTC):
“We saw a lot of interesting and impressive things during our visit to your company. The next task for the Indo Russian Science and Technology Centre will be to find potential Indian customers that express interest in the technologies of VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation. Establishment of a joint venture between the Indian and Russian companies will be the best proof of the successful visit”.
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