Mechel reports resumption of coal mining at New-Olzherassk Underground Mine

Mechel, one of the leading Russian mining and metals companies, announces that coal mining at Southern Kuzbass Coal Company OAO’s New-Olzherassk Underground has been resumed.
Industrial reserves of coal at the mine’s long wall face 21-1-7 are 350,000 tonnes, with the mining face’s monthly load planned at 150,000 tonnes.
The mining face is equipped with the ZF mechanized complex, Chinese-made MG-400 cutter-loader, Russian-made Anzhera-34 face and rear conveyers, PSP 308 reloader and DU 910 crusher, which enables it to conduct mining using a high-efficiency technology for thick seam mining. The long wall face is also equipped with everything necessary to ensure industrial safety.
Mining at New-Olzherassk Underground were suspended on February 27, 2012, due to coal self-heating in the worked-out area of the long wall face 21-1-7.
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