Severstal Dearborn presented new environmental technologies to the local ecologists

Severstal North America, a Dearborn, Michigan-based steelmaker, hosted a tour of local environmental organizations highlighting its latest progress in pollution prevention, air, water and energy control, and recycling. The tour consisted of a driving visit of the entire plant and a walk-through of Severstal Dearborn’s newly modernizedstate-of-the-art facilities.
“We are very excited to host these distinguished environmental groups at Severstal Dearborn today. We wanted them to see our newly built and modernized facilities and how they contribute to improving the air and water quality of our surrounding communities,” said Bruce Black, Vice President and General Manager, Severstal Dearborn. “Our company has made significant environmental advances in steelmaking and we will continue to be an innovator in this industry.”
Among the visitors of the plant were representatives of Friends of the Rouge, Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision, Alliance of Rouge Communities и ACCESS Community.
Michael Darga, Board President, Friends of the Rouge, said, “Friends of the Rouge is grateful to Severstal North America for not only its corporate support, but for its commitment to improving the environmental quality of Dearborn and southeast Michigan through sustainable and efficient manufacturing.”
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