Norilsk Nickel | 24 January 2014 г. | 17:19

Furnace Repairs Started at Nadezhda Plant

Furnace Repairs Started at Nadezhda Plant
Scheduled 10-day long repairs of Flash Smelting Furnace No 1 (FSF-1) have been started at the Norilsk Nickel Polar Division Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant.

Flash Smelting Furnaces No 1 and No 2 are the chief units used in sulfide concentrate processing chain that yield converter matte – an alloy with a high base metal content.

The FSF-1 repairs will be handled by contractors Norilsknickelremont and Polar Construction Company. Within 10 days they will repair the crown, bay, water cooling elements, FSF-1 gas ducts, renovate the electrical depletion furnaces No 1, No 2 and Nadezhda Plant 1st process line auxiliary units.

The scheduled repairs will boost reliability of the 1st process line especially in the face of upcoming major repairs of FSF-2. The repaired unit will notably be able to handle increased workloads and secure the production plan during the FSF-2 suspension. The FSF-2 repairs are scheduled to commence after mid-February and will take approximately 60 days.

Source: Metal Supply and Sale Magazine
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