TMK Group , steel tube | 09 July 2015 г. | 16:02

TMK ships premium tubular products to Yamal LNG

TMK ships premium tubular products to Yamal LNG
TMK has been supplying premium tubular products to Yamal LNG, which holds the license for exploration and production at the South-Tambeyskoe gas condensate field at north-east of the Yamal Peninsular, since 2012. In 2014 the contract between TMK and Yamal LNG was signed for the supply of premium products from 2014 through 2020.

This year 1,748 tons of cold-resistant pipe, including 1,716 tons of premium products, have been delivered to Yamal LNG under a seven-year contract. The supply package included casing pipe with diameters of 324 mm, 244,48 mm and 177,8 mm with TMK UP FMC and TMK UP PF premium connections, tubing pipe of 114 mm with TMK UP FMT premium connections as well as 12 accessories, all produced at TMK’s Volzhsky Pipe Plant, Sinarsky Pipe Plant and Orsk Machine-Building Plant.

Source: Metal Supply and Sale Magazine
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