Ufaleynickel , Modernization | 26 October 2012 г. | 11:41

Ufaleynickel undergoes large-scale modernization

Ufaleynickel undergoes large-scale modernization

This year’s investments into modernization of enterprises under the control of the managing company Highmetal KDS (Ufaleynickel, Rezhnickel, Serov Nickel Mine) will total 140 mln rubles.

The major part of this sum – about 90 mln rubles – is supposed to be spent during the fourth quarter.

It should be noted that in comparison to previous years, when the investments into production development were not higher than 20% of total maintenance and modernization expenses, more than a half of the budget was allocated to the investment plan for 2012.

In the first 9 months of 2012 Ufaleynickel successfully implemented a number of planned measures to improve production efficiency, which included improving the quality of export sales logistics, cost reduction, replacement of mining equipment, etc.

Further implementation of the most large-scale modernization in the history of the enterprise will allow Ufaleynickel to reach a break-even level.

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