NLMK closed order book for bond issue for 5 billion roubles
29 October 2015 was set as the starting date of the BO-08 series bond placement through public subscription at the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX).
In the course of marketing, book orders were placed by 50 investors for a total of about 25.5 billion rubles.
NLMK has set the first coupon rate at 11.10% per annum. The coupon period equals to 182 days. The rate of coupons 2-4 is equal to the rate of the first coupon. Given the market situation, the offering price, the coupon rate for exchange bonds and the current demand, NLMK made the decision to accept orders from 23 investors.
Proceeds from the placement of the bonds will be used for general corporate purposes and refinancing of the short-term debt.
Gazprombank, Sberbank CIB, VTB Capital, and Rosbank acted as lead managers.
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