MMK Group | 02 October 2016 г. | 06:00

MMK commissioned blast furnace №9 following upgrade

MMK commissioned blast furnace №9 following upgrade
Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) announces that it has completed an overhaul of blast furnace №9.

The works, which included a technical overhaul of the cast houses, was launched in December 2015. Blast furnace №9 has a working volume of 2,014 m3, and is the most powerful blast furnace at MMK. It was the largest blast furnace in Europe when it was built in 1964.

During more than 50 years of operations the blast furnace has produced approximately 80 mln tonnes of pig iron. In 2008, blast furnace №9 underwent upgrade work.

The recent repair included raking out and preparation of the chimney, reconstruction of the lining, and replacement of the flue protection. The cast houses saw the key changes. Project design documentation was developed by Magnitogorsk Gipromez. United Service Company acted as the general contractor and completed all the operations to a tight deadline of just 37 days.

Source: Metal Supply and Sale Magazine
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