The market has shifted towards the growth
Analytical service of Sales magazine Metal Supply and Sales keep on publishing a MCC-TM index (Temperature of the market). The value of index is defined by expert surveys on weekly basis. According to the expert assessments, The Russian steel market has undergone a qualitative change.
For the first time since June last year, the total index exceeded 50 points, which separates the observed growth from the decline. A week ago, this level exceeded the expected index, which continued to rise. However, it must be mentioned that the highest value has an expenditure sub-index. It demonstrates the growth since December last year.
Mostly influenced by this factor, the metallurgical companies have raised their prices for all types of steel products. Otherwise, other sub-indexes are in the positive zone, except for the purchases.
MCC-TM Index Value. Summary for the previous business week from 10th to 14th of March 2,80 points were added, resulting in maximum increase since the April of the previous year, reaching 52,10 points. This is the highest level since the end of June 2024.
Experts’ expectations have not changed drastically in contrast to those they had the previous week.
MCC-TM Index Value. Expectations for the current business week from 17th to 21st of March grew only by 0,12 pp to 51,51 points. However this is the highest value for almost nine months.
It must be mentioned that the participants of the expert surveys are proposed to evaluate on a ten-point system the results of the previous week and as well as for the next week, the expectations for the medium-sized (12-16 mm.) rebar A500C, hot-rolled sheet Ct3 4-10 mm thick, medium-sized profile pipes (60х40 — 80х80) according to the following parameters:
Sales (in money terms)
Demand (Consumer-oriented, expressed in natural indicators - by tonnage, number of requests)
Stock reserves
Purchases (by tonnage – of the mill products from manufacturers for distributors)
Costs (for electricity, remuneration of labour, taxes, raw materials and other factors affecting the producing costs)
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