ChTPZ | 06 March 2008 г. | 14:09

Installation of Equipment at the Finishing Center for Production of Oil-Field Pipes Has Been Launched At Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant

Installation of Equipment at the Finishing Center for Production of Oil-Field Pipes Has Been Launched At Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant
Installation of the equipment, namely, assembly of a Production Area for manufacture of fittings having a diameter of up to 195 mm, is currently underway at the Finishing Center site which is located on the territory of  Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant. So far, four pipe coupling thread-cutting machines manufactured by EMAG (Germany), one of the major suppliers of equipment for the new shop, two washing machines and two marking machines, as well as an automated transportation system connecting these two units, have been installed at the shop. The next step will be installation of two Linsinger saws (Austria). Alongside with the assembly process commissioning is being carried out, in particular cold restart of the couplings handling system has been performed.
SMS Meer furnaces for Thermal Treatment Area, thread-cutting machines for the Tubing and Casings Finishing and Acceptance Area, Tuboscope (USA) complex quality control devices, painting and packaging line equipment, etc., will be delivered to the company in the nearest future. According to the schedule, the assembly of the principal equipment would be completed by October. The Finishing Center is planned to be put into operation in Q4 2008.
The Finishing Center Project is now being implemented at PNTZ since March, 2007, and is aimed at creating new facilities for production of oil-field pipes, such as tubing, including high-strength ones, upset tubing, casing, as well as anticorrosive & cold-resistant line pipes of higher operating reliability. The total Project value is EUR 122 m.
Implementation of the Project would allow to increase PNTZ capacity for manufacture of oil-field pipes by 115 thousand tn, which would make it possible to retain the company’s share of the expanding oil and gas pipe market, enhance its competitive power by enabling it to effect packaged deliveries of equipment, and secure ChTPZ Group presence in the oil-field pipes segment covering the entire range of these products.
Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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