Gurievsk Steel Works | 14 January 2010 г. | 12:25

Gurievsk Steel Works plans to break its output record in 2010

Gurievsk Steel Works plans to break its output record in 2010

In 2010 Gurievsk Steel Works plans to produce 314. 7 ths tons of commercial rolled products including 85 ths tons of steel grinding balls which will become the highest production index in recent years.

In December 2009 the Works produced 16.1 ths tons of open-hearth steel which accounts for 216.4 % as compared to the corresponding period in 2008 (7.4 ths tons), 22.8 ths tons of metal and steel products which accounts for 142% as compared to December 2008 (6.7 ths tons) including 6 ths tons of steel grinding balls (452.8% up as compared to December 2008).

Despite considerable downturn in production in the beginning of the year, in general the Works fulfilled its production program for 2009. In 2009 the Works produced 145.8 ths tons of open-hearth steel (91.8% of planned output); 156.8 ths tons of commercial products (112.1%, including 52.7 ths tons of steel grinding balls (117%).

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