Evraz | 19 June 2012 г. | 10:17

Evraz announces results of the Annual General Meeting

Evraz announces results of the Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (the ‘Meeting’) of the Company was held on Monday 18 June 2012 at 11.00am. At the Meeting, the ordinary and special resolutions set out in the notice of the Meeting were proposed and passed by way of a poll. Resolutions 18, 19, 20 and 21 were passed as special resolutions.

The poll voting figures are shown below.
Resolution Number of Shares Percent of Shares
1 To receive the report of the Directors and the Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011
Votes for 1,101,829,377 99.92% of votes cast
Votes against
0.08% of votes cast
Votes withheld 517,589
Total votes as % of issued share capital (“ISC”) 82.29%
2 To declare a final dividend of US$0.17 per ordinary share in respect of the year ended 31 December 2011
Votes for 1,102,680,474 100% of votes cast
Votes against 0 0% of votes cast
Votes withheld 517,589
Total votes as % of ISC 82.29%
3 To approve the Directors’ Remuneration Report for the year ended 31 December 2011
Votes for 1,071,353,172 98.69% of votes cast
Votes against 14,166,679 1.31% of votes cast
Votes withheld 17,678,212
Total votes as % of ISC 81.01%
4 To elect Alexander Abramov as a Director of the Company
Votes for 1,098,859,241 99.67% of votes cast
Votes against 3,690,983 0.33% of votes cast
Votes withheld 647,839
Total votes as % of ISC 82.28%
5 To elect Duncan Antony Hilder Baxter as a Director of the Company
Votes for 1,101,354,834 99.94% of votes cast
Votes against 688,260 0.06% of votes cast
Votes withheld 1,154,969
Total votes as % of ISC 82.25%
6 To elect Alexander Frolov as a Director of the Company
Votes for 1,102,450,219 99.98% of votes cast
Votes against 230,255 0.02% of votes cast
Votes withheld 517,589
Total votes as % of ISC 82.29%
7 To elect Karl Gruber as a Director of the Company
Votes for 1,102,506,746 99.98% of votes cast
Votes against 173,478 0.02% of votes cast
Votes withheld 517,839
Total votes as % of ISC 82.29%
8 To elect Alexander Izosimov as a Director of the Company
Votes for 1,102,506,746 99.98% of votes cast
Votes against 173,728 0.02% of votes cast
Votes withheld 517,589
Total votes as % of ISC 82.29%
9 To elect Sir Michael Peat as a Director of the Company
Votes for 1,102,272,001 99.96% of votes cast
Votes against 408,473 0.04% of votes cast
Votes withheld 517,589
Total votes as % of ISC 82.29%
10 To elect Olga Pokrovskaya as a Director of the Company
Votes for 1,057,318,565 95.93% of votes cast
Votes against 44,854,529 4.07% of votes cast
Votes withheld 1,024,969
Total votes as % of ISC 82.26%
11 To elect Terry John Robinson as a Director of the Company
Votes for 1,101,354,834 99.94% of votes cast
Votes against 688,260 0.06% of votes cast
Votes withheld 1,154,969
Total votes as % of ISC 82.25%
12 To elect Eugene Shvidler as a Director of the Company
Votes for 1,100,567,013 99.81% of votes cast
Votes against 2,113,211 0.19% of votes cast
Votes withheld 517,839
Total votes as % of ISC 82.29%
13 To elect Eugene Tenenbaum as a Director of the Company
Votes for 1,063,908,898 96.60% of votes cast
Votes against 37,484,321 3.40% of votes cast
Votes withheld 1,804,844
Total votes as % of ISC 82.20%
14 To re-appoint Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors and to authorise the Directors to determine their remuneration
Votes for 1,101,583,650 99.93% of votes cast
Votes against 790,787 0.07% of votes cast
Votes withheld 823,626
Total votes as % of ISC 82.27%
15 To authorise the Directors to allot shares, as provided in resolution 15 set out in the AGM Notice
Votes for 1,082,773,214 98.29% of votes cast
Votes against 18,821,348 1.71% of votes cast
Votes withheld 1,603,501
Total votes as % of ISC 82.21%
16 To authorise the Company to make political donations
Votes for 1,100,927,933 99.84% of votes cast
Votes against 1,745,134 0.16% of votes cast
Votes withheld 524,996
Total votes as % of ISC 82.29%
17 To authorise the Company to communicate with shareholders by electronic means
Votes for 1,102,680,224 100% of votes cast
Votes against 250 0% of votes cast
Votes withheld 517,589
Total votes as % of ISC 82.29%
18 To disapply pre-emption rights
Votes for 1,095,299,780 99.35% of votes cast
Votes against 7,171,820 0.65% of votes cast
Votes withheld 725,890
Total votes as % of ISC 82.28%
19 To authorise the Directors to buy back shares
Votes for 1,100,614,424 99.81% of votes cast
Votes against 2,066,050 0.19% of votes cast
Votes withheld 517,589
Total votes as % of ISC 82.29%
20 To amend the articles of association of the Company
Votes for 1,102,679,651 100% of votes cast
Votes against 0 0% of votes cast
Votes withheld 517,839
Total votes as % of ISC 82.29%
21 To authorise the Company to hold general meetings on not less than 14 clear days’ notice
Votes for 1,090,198,314 98.87% of votes cast
Votes against 12,481,910 1.13% of votes cast
Votes withheld 517,839
Total votes as % of ISC 82.29%


1. Any proxy arrangement which gave discretion to the Chairman have been included in the “for” totals.
2. A “vote withheld” is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes “for” or “against” a resolution.
3. The issued share capital of EVRAZ Plc as at 18 June 2012 is 1,339,929,360 ordinary shares. The scrutineer of the polls was Computershare Investor Services PLC.
4. All percentages are shown to two decimal points.

Source: Metal Supply & Sales
View count: 96

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